Sairam. On the second day (4th Oct 2024) of the Navaratri festival on the theme ‘Kriya Shakthi; Iccha Shakthi and Jnana Shakthi, during Navaratri Pravachan in the assembly Principal-in-charge Ms. N.Vedhanayagi delivered an erudite talk on the Sadhana prescribed for the day ‘Mana Shuddhi’ – inner cleanliness. Making a distinction between brain and mind, she answered that it is the Sadhanas which help to calm our mind down and create a positive energy inside us. Instead of working only for self-improvement, if we can unite our thoughts and work for the welfare of the people next to us, it will make us a role model in society.
Master Ashwin.S of class XI continued the Pravachan on inner cleanliness. Quoting the eternal sentences, ‘Mind should always think the truth. Speech should always express truth and actions should always be for the welfare of others, he highlighted the point inner cleanliness is more important than outer cleanliness. He added, “It is purity that makes one worthy. A person is considered valueless if he does not have the purity of mind and heart.
As a part of Navaratri Chaturya, students of class I presented a beautiful role-play performance about a cap seller and the monkeys, advising everyone to act wisely at times of difficulty. They continued their performance with a mesmerizing ‘Gramiya Nadanam’ event – a village folk dance wherein they presented the different forms of Tamil Nadu folk dances such as Mayilaattaam, Karagaattam etc. The awareness of the ill effects of addition to mobile was showcased through an interesting Bommalaattaam – Puppet show that stole the hearts of all. The morning events concluded with felicitation of the participants followed by Mangala Arathi.
In the evening, all the Mahila staff and students performed a special Navaratri Kuthuvilakku Puja(Lamp worship) in the assembly. During the Navaratri Sangeetham event, Sri Kannabiran, SSSIE vocal master, and his outside students presented a vibrant vocal concert comprising various popular songs and krithis of Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar and other saintly composers.

Navaratri Pravachan by Principal-in-charge Ms. Vedhanayagi on ‘Mana Shuddhi’

Navaratri Pravachan by Master Ashwin, XI on ‘Mana Shuddhi’

Glimpses of the role play on the story of a cap seller and the monkeys

Navaratri Chaturya by Primary children – Traditional folk dances of Tamil Nadu – Puliyaattam

Glimpses of the Kutthu Vilakku Puja(Lamp worship)

Navaratri Sangeetham glimpses

Felicitation by Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan to Master Kannabiran