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Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare

Bharatheeya Culture

Nurturing Values

Learning by Experience

Beauty at the finger tip

Art from the Heart

Heroes of Adventures

Yogis of Immortality

Join the March of Discipline the Divine Valley called SSSIE

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Accredited with the topmost A+ Award
National Convention, Prasanthi Nilayam
27th Oct 2024

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From the desk of our Divine Master…

“What is educsaiation? It is of two types. The first type is collection of facts and knowledge about the external world, and sharing them with students. The second type is educare. Educare involves the deep understanding of the knowledge that springs from within and imparting it to students. But today’s education gives the students’ knowledge only about the external world.

Only culture or refinement can develop good personality and not this type of education. So, both education and culture are important. Today’s education is devoid of culture and is like a counterfeit coin. Even a beggar does not accept a counterfeit coin. Then, how can experienced and intelligent people accept such education? So, to satisfy everyone, we must develop educare. Education without refinement is like a dark room. Only bats can live in dark rooms; such rooms are filthy. So, by pursuing such education devoid of culture, our hearts have become dark rooms and hence many animal qualities find their way into them. Education without culture is like a kite with a broken string. No one knows where it will fall and what damage it will cause to others. Therefore, such education does not benefit anyone.

The end of education is character. Education without character is useless. Earlier in gurukulas the sages took the students along with them wherever they went and taught them without conforming to any time schedule. This education was a continuous learning process. But today in schools and colleges education is limited to strict time schedules. Therefore, education has become limited. But true education, which moulds character, has no limits. When we learn about that which is “limitless,” we attain the end of education. Our character is reflected in our words, behaviour and conduct in daily life. So we should speak pleasantly and not hurt others with our harsh words. It is true that we cannot always oblige, but we can speak obligingly.” – Bhagawan Sri Satha Sai Baba

The Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare, the best Sri Sathya Sai School in the world, aims at imparting the ancient Gurukula system of education based on spirituality and values, as envisaged by our beloved Master. Foremost importance is given to mould the character of the children through various value-based activities. With spirituality as the basement, students come out as ideal citizens through character development with academic excellence. 

 Today, our mother India needs exemplary citizens who will be role models in following her glorious ancient culture and spirituality. SSSIE is doing a yeoman service to the nation by inculcating the Vedic way of  life with enrichment of secular knowledge needed in this 21st Century.


Event Reports

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Achievements 2024-25

SSSIE Alumnus as IAS Exam Tamilnadu State Topper

Sairam. We feel proud to announce that Master Bhuvanesh Ram T, SSSIE Alumnus who studied in the residential Gurukula system from class IV to X, came out as the UPSC IAS exam topper in Tamilnadu. We seek Swami’s Divine Blessings to achieve further heights in his career as a Sai IAS officer.

Vocal performance at Bridge Academy's Kalaisangamam, Srilanka

Sairam. Smaran Patnaik, Class X, Harshil A G, Class X and Tumu Krishna Sai, Class VII participated in the Carnatic vocal concert at the  Bridge Academy’s annual Kalaisangamam event held at Srilanka and received appreciations for their melliflous rendition. 


Sairam. 5 of the SSSIE Karate students (Sathyanarayanan S - IX , Dharan Siddharth P- IX , Jithesh Aravindhan S - IX, Krishna P - X, Venkat Rathinam R – X) were trained by SSSIE Karate Master Saravanan and selected to perform in the International Okinawa Goju-Ryu Ipoh City Open Karate Championship 2024 held at Perak, Malaysia between 10th and 12th May 2024. Students enthralled the audience with their skilled performance in the event. They also had the opportunity to visit various places of interest in Malaysia and learn about its varied culture.

National level 8th ranking in Spelling Bee Contest

Sairam. With Swami’s Divine Blessings, Mahathisri P of class IV won the 4th ranking respectively at the National level Spelling Bee contest. Master Sathyajit of class IV has won the National level 8th ranking.

State Level Malkhamb Championship

Sairam.  Master Nethrakanthan, Class XI and Master M.Darshan, Class VIII participated in the Tamil Nadu State Level Malkhamb Championship and won the the second prize out of numerous teams participated. 

Art Link international drawing event

Sairam.  SSSIE has partnered with ARTLINK -  a international cultural exchange program run by Creative Connections - an NGO based in USA, participated by students belonging to more than 50 countires. Master V.Pranesh, Class XII,  Athukuri Gnanendra, Class IX and H.P.Lallith Saie, Class X were felicitated for receiving the Certificate of appreciation from Creative Connections for their execptional drawing contribution.

Bridge Academy Fine Arts Grade Certificate

Sairam.  All the SSSIE students attended the Bridge Academy's Grade exams in Carnatic vocal, Veena, Keyboard, Violin, Flute, Drums, Mridangam, Tabla, Art & Craft and received their next level grade certificate after coming out with flying colours in the exams conducted by the external examiners. 

Puthiya Thalaimurai's Veettukkoru Vignaani Science Exhibition

Sairam. SSSIE Team participated in the  ‘Veettukkoru Vignaani’ Science Exhibition organized by the popular Tamil TV Channel ‘Puthiya Thalaimurai’ and received appreciations for their commendable presentation.

Award of excellence for promoting value-based education

Sairam. Sri P.Kumarasamy, Director,  Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare, Chromepet was awarded in the category of excellence in promoting value-based education by ELDROK India Pvt. Ltd. -  a leading educational research company, New Delhi. During a grand award ceremony held at ITC Grand Chola, Chennai 

Silver medal in 6th Adventure Gymnastics Trophy

Sairam. Master Loheith Shiva, Class VI, Master Darshan M, Class VIII and Master Vijay Prasad, Class VII have won silver medals at the 6th inter-school Adventure Gymnastics Trophy in Floor Gymnastics Category.

Best Teacher Award

Sairam.  Sri C.Manikandan, Headmaster (Middle & Secondary, TGT(Tamil) received the best teacher award for the academic year 2024-2 from the Jaigopal Karodia Trust.

YES - Young Environmental Scientist Contest - Selected for Next Level 

Sairam. Students participated in the YES - Young Environmental Scientist Contest held at IIT Madras, organized by the Industrial Waste Management Association. Out of the 3 projects presented, the project on the theme ‘One Man Farming’ received appreciations from the judges and has been selected for the next level.

Best Teacher Award

Sairam.  Smt. V.Jayalakshmi, Asst. Headmistress(Primary)  received the best teacher award for the academic year 2024-25 from the Chennai Sahodaya Schools Complex, Kanchi Cluster.

District Level Balvikas Talent Search Event

Sairam.  Many students have come out with the flying colours in the District level Balvikas Talent Search Contest in elocution, sloka chanting, drawing etc. events and have been selected to participate in the State level event on 25th Dec 2024.

Selected for National level CBSE Science Exhbition

Saiam. With Swami's Divine Blessings, out of 58 schools and 98 projects presented during the CBSE Science Exhibition held during 17th and 18th Nov 2024, SSSIE Team comprising Master Gokul Ganesh, Class X and Master Vaibhav Srinivas, Class IX, has been selected  to participate in the National level exhition. The theme of the project was Airborne waste particle capture and tracking. Congratulations to the team.

Divisional Level First Prize in Philatelic Quiz Competition

Sairam. SSSIE Team participated in the divisional level philatelic quiz competition organized by the Indian postal department and received the first prize among many teams participated.

State level first prize in Drawing Contest

Sairam. We are proud to announce that Kumari Prakruthi S of class III has won the state level first prize in the Drawing contest held during the Balvikas Talent Search event organized at Coimbatore, TN, after winning at the Samithi and District level contests.

State level first prize in Tamil Elocution Contest

Sairam. We are proud to announce that Master Rikshit C P of class VII has won the state level first prize in the Tamil Elocution contest held during the Balvikas Talent Search event organized at Coimbatore, TN, after winning at the Samithi and District level contests.

Selected as one of the Nation's 100 best hand writing 

Sairam. Kalbharati Child Art Institute conducted hand-writing contest across the nation. Out of thousands of students participated in the contests, other than the winners, 100 students were selected for a special gift of 20 grams Silver award due to their exceptional skill. P Lajni Renuga of class II is one among the 100 students selected for their exceptional hand-writing.

SSSIE 45th Annual Sports & Cultural Meet – 11th Jan 2025 – Trailer

Guest Comments


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Prof. N.Kasturi
Swami's Translator

I had the immense pleasure of listening to the bhajans and the stotrams of the children and telling them a story of Bhagawan’s early days which was listened to with rapt attention, and the children were ready with intelligent responses. I very much appreciate the spirit of service of the gurus and others who run this institution. May Bhagavan lead them aright.

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Brother Sathyajit
Former Director, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini

Very happy with the whole day I have spent at the school. Inspired by the dedication of the management for bringing up the school to its current standard. I am sure that by His grace, this will become one of the model schools for SSS Vidya Vahini.

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Rajni Sriram
Founder, Wings of Hope, London

What a wonderful and inspiring experience! We have gained so much and learnt the language of love from your school. Thank you for a memorable experience.

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Dr. T. Ravi Kumar
Warden, Sri Sathya Sai Hostel, Brindavan

I thank for the wonderful opportunity to think about Swami. Your school is a beacon of light and feel happy to see the enormous growth of this great institution. I wish this has to grow further with the grace of Swami.

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Sujith Kumar
Matram Foundation

Its unbelievable to see an Institution like this with such awesome Infra and most importantly children being raised with such strong values. Wish you the very best!

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M.S.Muthusamy, IPS
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Chennai

It is a real privilege given to me by God to witness young, disciplined and cultured students. This school will create a history one day!

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Dr. R.Ganesan
Principal, D G Vaishnava College, Chennai

Providing a wholesome, man-making education. I wish the institution to expand its horizons and serve more and more.

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Karuna Munshi
Director, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini, Prasanthi Nilayam

I feel truly blessed to have visited this blessed school of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. His students here are exemplary, the teachers of leaders are motivated and the entire ambience is constructive, positive and wholesome. At SSSVV, we value our partnership with this Sai school. May Bhagawan bless this school to grow and shine further.

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Prof. Anil Kumar
Swami's Translator and Faculty, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam

A school started 34 years ago, is not a small achievment by any standard and to run the school totally free of charge is only possible for Baba there (Puttaparthi) and is only possible for Baba here (Chromepet). I am even thrilled to know, excited to know that children won prizes at the state level, national level, international level, hats off to this school! Long live the management! Long live the teachers! Long live the students! May they lead happy joyful life! May this school produce children, national leaders in the years to come!

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I got admission for my daughter today for 3rd std, wondering why they are not providing education after 6th std for girls, such a disciplined school with devotional, spirituality, they are not collecting tution fees for childrens and providing free noon meal for all children, management please consider your decision and provide education for girls till 12th std..a kind request as a father. thanks for your support
Happiest place ever!! Best place to seek devotion blessing and knowledge. Feeling happy that I was a student over here. A place where a child can learn all the good values needed for life😊😊😊
Geetha GK
இந்தியதிருநாட்டின் பாரதியகலாசாரம் விளையாட்டு பல்கலை ,நற்கல்வி,,,அளிக்கும் மேல்நிலைபள்ளி,.படிப்பவர்கள் பாக்யவான்கள்,,ஆசீர்வதிக்கபட்டவர்கள்,. சரஸ்வதி வாழும் ஆலயமாக ,இந்திய பள்ளிகல்விக்கு முன்மாதிரி பள்ளி...அன்பும்,அறிவும்,ஆன்மீகமும் மதநல்லிணக்கமும் போதிக்கும் நற்பள்ளி,..வாழ்க..வளர்க.
Value, moral and spiritual based education. No stress for students. Gurukulam kind of experience. Unique school in this commercial era. Very happy on choosing this school for our child's future.
Shankar Narayanan
One of the best schools which provides quality education and moral values for the students. They have a very good hostel facility for students. Also they teach many extracurricular activities for students which builds their confidence. Highly recommended.
Prabaharan Manokaran
My son is studying in LKG and he is good in studies and also involved spirituality. Now, he is saying Slokas also. Very happy to be a part of this school with the blessing of Swamiji
Kowshalya Dhakshinamoorthy
The best school I've ever seen... Education is not a business for a student of this school I'm proud to say these.... they provide all the facilities, infrastructure and knowledge as a service. The medium of this school is discipline. A lot of co curricular activities are given importance with a good care. There is a best Scope for knowledge, behavior, spirituality and character.. The atmosphere of the school feels like a temple where u can calm yourself.... I can give 100 percent assurance that u can develop yourself mentally and physically...........
Selvi T
This is my school. And, once you too will say the same if you study here. We can find lot of opportunities for doing several Seva activities. Also, you find here a residential availability. Faculties of this school are so kind that you might forget that they are teachers, but will behave as your brothers. Simply to say, a best school with discipline and education. Come here and you will find your life taken to the heights.
Best school in Chennai in our view..!
Umavalli Mahadevan
Best value based educational institution with CBSE curriculum in Chennai. Residential school with opportunities to enrich our values and help to lead a independent life.
Abhishek Narayanan S
The school that offers an integral education with an ample amount of coaching in co- curricular activities, sports, spirituality and values. Pay a visit once, the vibration there will explain it's uniqueness.
Harin Kumar
One of the best schools which provides quality education and moral values for the students. They have a very good hostel facility for students. Also they teach many extracurricular activities for students which builds their confidence. Highly recommended.
This school is best in academics ,sports and also in teaches value based education. This school is residential in which students can easily learn doing self work. The hostel schedule covers all the criteria of daily life which is very essential to students. Students can learn self discipline from here. This is such a great school.
Alamelu V

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Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare
No:10-Gandhi Street
Chennai – 600 044
Tel: 044-22651726, 9884057220

Love all Serve all


“In this school, the medium is discipline, the first, second and third languages are Love, Service and Sadhana”