Many Young Men and Women experience the Hamletian Dilemma.
Shall I join the school which I want?
Shall I join the school which wants me?
Why do you want to join that school? Because it has established its reputation; it has a brand value; It is known for its culture of transparency; It is known as a place that nurtures; It is a place where meritocracy reigns supreme; There is a resonance in that institution; It provides opportunities for growth; More than money, a sense of purpose drives everyone there; Staff feel proud about working there; The work load for everyone is optimal; There is a justifiable connection between pay and performance; You get social recognition by working there. Offers enough scope for learning challenge . Training and Development opportunities are provided. Your job is conducive for skill enhancement, enough opportunities are provided for taking leadership responsibilities. There is a participative atmosphere; All seem to have ownership feeling and are fully engaged empowered. The Head is more “felt than seen”.
In the second case, why should you in the school which wants you? Because:-
You have established a reputation in your listing school; The school is in poor shape and wants a person whose reputation can pull it back from the brink; Its market value will rise because of you; That school is unable to promote anybody from within because no one fits the bill; and also lot of infighting; you have to convert its numerical density into social density; the students are from the lower middle class and have to be motivated to study; The finances have to be shored up, the school has earned notoriety for its malpractices. The relationship with the Department is at a low ebb; in short the school has to be re- railed. The management wants a strong manager who will bring order and discipline.
The first one has a Leader.
The second one needs a Manager.
What is the intrinsic difference between these two? Let us explore.
Let us take the second one first. The school has to be changed. Change requires “Unfreezing” the existing position, then changing to a new level; and “Refreezing” the new change to put it on a permanent footing.
Normally a Manager has two important functions:-
- Make decisions
- Control people
To make decisions, he needs good judgment and self-confidence. To control people he needs self respect and respect. Self respect stems from your knowledge of your own contribution and merit. You earn respect when others come to know that you know.
The Principal is a link between the Management and the staff. In many cases, the Principal’s value system is influenced by that of the Management. He allows it to be so in order to save his skin and retain his position.
But, examples are not wanting in the past or in the present of Principals who have stood their ground. Their reputation, their standing was so high that the Management dare not ask them to do anything wrong. Mr. George who as the Head Master of Kshatriya Vidyasala Boys School at Virudhunagar was a Goliath who had his resignation letter always in his pocket. He built the school to great heights. Every parent thought, if my son studies here from class VI to XI, he will become a walking encyclopedia and a perfect citizen.
When you join a school, you have to choose your superiors carefully.
In one school, when the Principal retired, the Management wanted to introduce some measures to ensure greater accountability. They brought in a person who was known to achieve results. The juniors were eager to show their talents but, the seniors wanted no threat to their laid back attitudes and so projected difficulties in the short term and created certain road blocks.

Sridhar Subramanyam
Sridhar Subramanyam, president, Sony Music Entertainment, India and Middle East, when asked about the leadership style said:-
“Both Delegative and Authoritative”- A combination of both patting and hitting as the situation needed- A matter of situational flexibility. The head has to be friendly and also firm – softly firm and firmly soft. Mr. N. Chinnaswami Naidu of Mani High School, Sri. E. Venkatesalu Naidu of Rajalakshmi Mill High School and Dr. S.S. Rajagopal of SarvajanaHigh School, Coimbatore were 3 Headmasters famous for this leadership style in the 1960’s and 70’s.
That Schools new H.M. knew that a Head is rated on his ability to achieve success against insubordination and registering success along with the early conversion of sentiments. He showed that he meant business when he convened a meeting of the seniors and told them in no uncertain terms “You have to adjust yourselves to the proposed change or change to another school that welcomes you”. The message went through. Sometimes the Head has to be thick- skinned to bulldoze the agenda. Managing a situation occasionally needs an “Adrenaline – Dumping” principals.
Sridhar Subramaniam has a strong view that a leader must be able to move and inspire people while a Manager must be able to get things done. The author had seen copying in examinations. A rampant and challenging pastime in the state made fertile by the Mahanadi. One public sector Bank wanted to conduct an examination for recruitment. The top management was wondering the pros and cons of measures to physically prevent copying as the victims were bound to turn very violent and cruel. One General Manager suggested,
“We shall not physically catch anyone. We shall simply include in the advertisement a statement:-
“ The invigilators have been asked to observe any violations of the rule and inform the Head office. Their statements will be cross-checked with the CCTV footage and suitable action taken”.
The board appreciated this psychological move which turned out to be quite successful.
That General Manager knew how to get things done!
A Government school had the noon meals scheme in operation. The hunger of nearly 100 poor children was satisfied by this. One day, the lady in-charge of the kitchen told the Headmaster, “Sir, the stock is coming down. Fresh stocks have not yet come though long overdue. Please talk to the D.E.O and do the needful early, so that the children will not go hungry. They will stop coming to School”. The H.M. replied;” You are paid for this work. I don’t get a pie for supervising this. Why should I bother about it? If you have stock, prepare food for them. If not, keep quiet”. The cook said angrily “ I can’t starve them, I will go house to house, beg for rice prepare poring and give them. When students who have eaten from my hand, have become big, come back to enquire about my welfare. I feel delighted, “at that time my life becomes full”.
That H.M. is a bad Manager, but that cook is a leader who has lit up the lives of many youngsters. This incident made the author look back and remember the pot bellied Iyengar cook of the Dheena Bhandhu Sangham in his school (The Hindu Theological High School) who used to keep for him a cup full of the “Sundal” prepared that day- that was the author’s lunch!
The H.M. evaluated every work in terms of money. Self gain. He could not think of any joy in doing his work. But, the cook looked at the happy smiling faces of the children when they left after taking what she had served them. Their joy with a full stomach made her day!

Prof. Srikumar Rao
Prof. Srikumar Rao, Management Guru, very aptly quotes that great teacher Tarthang Tulku on the profound meaning of happiness and how one can find deep purpose in life when he truly understands it. “Caring about our work, liking it, even loving it, seems strange when we see work only as a way to make a living. But when we see work as a way to deepen and enrich all of our experience, each one of us can find this caring within our hearts, and awaken it in those around us, using every aspect of our work to learn and grow – Every kind of work can be a pleasure. Even simple household tasks can be an opportunity to exercise and expand our caring, our effectiveness, our responsiveness, as we respond with caring and vision to all our work. We develop our capacity to respond fully to all our life. Every action generates positive energy which can be shared with others. These qualities of caring and responsiveness are the greatest gift we can offer”.

Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche
In a southern district, an industrialist and another were classmates in school and college. This friend joined government service and became a Head Master of a government school. The industrialist requested him to take voluntary retirement. When the person retired at 62 (National Awardee), a new H.M. was appointed on probation for 2 years. He gave him a rent free flat near the school and also a electric scooter to commute to the school. But this new Head wanted to be given the bungalow and car given to the previous Principal. The Chairman had permitted the previous H.M. to continue there and also be the Correspondent of the school. The new H.M. felt aggrieved and started slipping up. In course of time complaints started to come that he has trying to make himself rich at the cost of the school. This new H.M. behaved like Nahusha, the king whom the gods requested to be their Head in the absence of Indira. Through he got all other appurtenances, he wanted to have Indira’s wife Sashi. She cleverly asked him to meet her in a palanquin carried by four sages. One of them Agastya was shorter and hence could not keep pace with the others. This jolted Nahusha who got angry and said “Sarpa Sarpa” meaning “Go Faster”. But, this word also referred to the serpent. So, the puny Sage cursed him to become a snake. Thus Nahusha because of his greed could not retain the glory that came to him.
Like Nahusha, the temporary H.M. was relieved at the end of 2 years without any fuss, fun or fanfare.
Today, people talk about Suresh Rajpal, former Chairman of H.P. (Hewlett Packard), a rare personality famous for his humanity. He created positive surprises for his staff. He identified himself with his people cutting across all barriers and displayed human concern but yet not compromising on quality and professionalism!. But, way back in 1961, 1967 and 1973, the author was the fortunate recipient of this parental concern from his mentor Sri T.S. Avinashilingam, Founder-Director of Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Coimbatore.
In 1961, the author was Dy. Director and on one Saturday afternoon, he was holding his 1 year old son and watching a cricket match being played by the staff colony children. When a boy hit the ball, the bat flew off his hand and landed on the author’s face. His spectacles got broken and blood was oozing. On hearing this, the Director came rushing, asked the driver to take the author in his Plymouth car to a famous eye hospital at Coimbatore for immediate attention. He asked the in-house doctor to accompany. When the author reached the hospital, the doctor said,” your Director Sri Ayya has already asked me to take excellent care of you”.
In 1967, when the author left the Vidyalaya to join the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Sri. Ayya told him “I don’t like you going but, till you get transfer from Cochin to Madras and join your family. You pack up all your things and deposit them in the basement of the library. This is always your home”.
Another touch of care and concern even for a person leaving the Institution. In H.P, Suresh Pal used to invite people who had left the organization for important functions and maintain the relationship with them.
Yet another instance of Sri Ayya’s humanity on 14th July 1973, when the author took over as Principal, KV Coimbatore, he rang up Sri Ayya and sought his blessings. Sri Ayya replied,” Welcome to Coimbatore, which I am sure will benefit by your stay here. I want you to join me for lunch. I will send my car to bring you”. That was an auspicious beginning for the author’s glorious innings at Coimbatore.
Sam Pitroda, father of C.Dot Mission one day came to the room of Dr. Sunil Abrol to discuss a point and suddenly gave his car keys to Dr. Sunil Abrol and said, “Sunil, I have got my car shifted from Baroda to New Delhi. Why don’t you use it till I shift my family to Delhi” and walked off leaving the keys on Sunil’s table.

Sam Pitroda
Alan Greenspan, the former Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve (akin to Reserve Bank of India) looked at a series of economic indicators while trying to figure out the economy. It was said that one indicator he looked at was the underwear sales which do not vary much as they are a necessity but once the economy goes into a recession even underwear sales fall as men try to make each underwear last longer.
Like that, as a Leader, the Principal has to look at various indicators to gauge the health of the school such as:
a) The final exam results
b) The number of transfer certificates applied
c) Number of new admissions
i) From the local area
ii) From outside
d) Staff attrition (turnover)
i) Removal of dead wood
ii) Addition of new talents
e) Recognition given by the Department to the school and respect to the Head
f) Invitation to the Head to address conferences outside
g) Awards by service associations to the Head and staff
h) A strong supportive Alumni association
i) How many children of management committee members, local elite study in the school?
j) How many children of the staff are students of the school?
k) How many students from lower middle class have achievements to their credit?
l) Respect given by the society to the school
m) Talent Recognition
i) Science talent scholarships
ii) Cultural talent scholarships
iii) National talent scholarship
iv) NEC ‘C’ certificate holders
v) President Scout/Guide awardees
n) Staff selected as Resource Persons, Examiners and Paper-setters
o) School selection as an examination centre
p) School selected by foreign embassies for visits by their country’s educators
As a leader you should make each staff strive for excellence in the current job and you should also provide opportunities for their continuous learning. A motivated enthusiastic and happy staff will ever care for the students. A leader does not tell people to do right things, but find people to do the right things. In many cases the ‘Bottleneck” is at the ‘Top’ of the bottle – problem not with people but with the leadership.
A leader learns from things that went wrong. Charles Kettering observed,
“ Never say I have always done that way. Think always of something new. Look for the second right answer. May be it is a better answer. Most people stop thinking when they arrive at the first best answer”.
Mr. N.R. Narayanamurthy, Chairman of Infosys has this advice for you:-
“You become a leader not because you can enforce your leadership, but because everybody respects you.
Even as leadership is important, equally important is its demonstration. Gandhiji’s Salt March and meeting the British emperor in loincloth”.
Find out if a staff member has an ego based on self-esteem or a fragile ego self. Esteem can be based on a positive or negative ego. The former case feels good about himself. So to him the whole world looks nice. The second case has “I know it All” attitude ,looks down upon others. A fragile ego person takes everything personally. A staff may say:-
“I can’t do it” – He may mean
a )I don’t want to do it – An attitude problem or a value issue
b) I don’t know how to do it – A training problem
You are successful – Yes. Your success is not to be measured by how you do as compared to others, but by what you do as compared to what you are capable of doing – like a sportsman.
To which do you belong to the following 3 types of Leaders?
- One who gets power from his title and authority. Authority can give you power but only behavior commands respect.
- Charismatic leader has a magnetic attraction
- Gets power from character and principle- based actions.
Great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Christ, The Prophet, Martin Luther King , Winston Churchill, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln never promised anything except struggle and suffering. But the world followed them because they spoke from their hearts and not from their lips.
As a leader, ask your staff and students to emulate Japan for achieving success. Patriotism and pride in their country were the only reasons – Things totally missing in our country. Patriotism means insisting on quality. Pride means any product of my country carries the dignity and integrity of my countrymen.

Mahatma Gandhiji – Salt march
Those whom the leader wants to retain, he will work on developing them. Some may quit and leave, some may quit and stay. The former is physical, No harm to your school. The latter is mental and more dangerous. His output will be at the basic minimum level – No motivation to work more or better.
If you are not tapping one’s talent, the hidden cost of your inactivity or indifference will be high. See that no staff is saying” I can do better – but why should I?. When people report to the LEADER, then their contribution will be more and better. But if they report to a Manager, then they will ask ‘Why Should I?’ When the staff know you and choose to follow you, you become a leader. They will die for you if they think you are worth it – not your chair.
Deepak Parekh, Chairman, HDFC said, “People worked with me – not for me”. A one liner- but fully loaded? Can you believe this?
Vivek Chand Sehgal, Founder and Chairman, Samvardhana Motherson Group says:-
“The most important rule is:-
‘Don’t Manage’. The moment you start managing, you get (too) involved. The truth is that I have a wonderful team and it is the team that manages me. My job is just to give direction”.

Vivek Chand Sehgal
This is what the author had been doing for 40 years as Professor, Dy. Director, Principal and Education officer in KVS.
Do you think you have become sufficiently big?- Then please pause. Take a deep breath and listen to what Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks Coffee chain says:- “If not checked, success has a way of covering up small failures”. Don’t get swept away by your making it big. There are people who have made it bigger than you.
At every stage of his career, the author had requested a colleague in all the schools of which he was the Principal, to be his conscience keeper and point out his mistakes, wrong steps, unguarded words, in-correct body language so that he can refine himself.
As a school teacher, he had Mr. Muthukrishnan, as a Professor, he had Prof. Visveswaran, as Dy. Director, he had Prof. G. Rajaram as Principal, he had,
- Sri Warrier – KV. Cochin
- Sharadha Krishnamurthy – AFS Avadi
- B.N. Nayak – Sambalpur
- Sri S. Shanmugam, Coimbatore
- R. Udayamurthy, Coimbatore
- Reddappa – HVF Avadi
- Sri Seshadri – HVF Avadi
And as Education officer had:-
- G. Srinath – KVS Regional officer, Madras
- K.M. Patel – KVS Hqrs New Delhi
The author is grateful to these noble souls for helping him to become better.
Education Management is an art. Practice it with elegance and proficiency. Never fail to amaze your staff and students every day. You must be their inspiration, their ignition key, their spark plug, their accelerator.
As a leader make your school a Mercedes Benz made in Germany- not one assembled in India.
A leader makes his school one of its kind in the world with which no other school can be compared. One that does not have any branches, no offshore campus, no franchise ?
Harvard Oxford and Cambridge don’t want to go outside their country. They say “We are what we are only where we are”.
As a leader, help your staff to overcome, to avoid “Willful Blindness”. Margaret Heffernan advises you not to make yourself powerless by choosing not to know. When you start looking into things you get hope.
You are a Manager when you tell people that they should change. You are a leader, when you make people tell themselves that change they must, to get a lead.
As a leader motivate your staff and students to have more dreams than memories – live for the future than live in the past. Make them get the best out of their imagination – Imagination for creation and not for creating chaos.
In one school there were two teachers with the same number of years stay in that school – one had put in service. The other had accumulated experience. The latter was keen on developing the range and depth of the school. But the former was constantly creating road blocks. When the author saw those two teachers, he was only reminded of the American Airliner ‘Jet Blue’s motto – “Same Altitude. Different Attitude”.
James Burke very wisely observed:-
“Change almost always comes as a surprise because things don’t happen in straight lines. Second – Guessing the result of an occurrence is difficult because when people or things or ideas come together in new ways. The rules on arithmetic are so changed that one-plus-one suddenly makes three”.
A leader does not exclude anyone because, that will make him feel lonely and neglected and it will goad him to find negative avenues to make himself noticed as an important person who is capable of creating a damage. Many Principals get into this trap. The author used to advise Principals not to create at anytime a sense of neglect and exclusion in the mind of any staff member because once he gets deviant and derailed it will become very difficult and time consuming to re- rail and bang him back into the main stream.
A leader has a great sense of humor. You become easier to deal with for your staff. It becomes infectious and keeps the staff motivated. “Your humor can ease pressure. See it is not directed at some one. It can be dangerous if not practiced subtly. It does wonders when you have reached an impasse”, says AseemSadanaan of ‘Isango’ – A travel company. Your jokes should not make you a joker.
Remember sarcasm is not humor. It will alienate you from others. It may pull you down. Humor will never boomerang. But silly sarcasm can back fire.
Humor is the hallmark of a leader with a cool head in a tight situation. It makes others around you stress free.
A head with a sense of humor is a happy person and the school will become a happy school where
Happy staff will achieve better results
Happy staff will take care of quality
Happy staff will not absent frequently
Happy staff will not experience stress
Happy staff will be more creative
Happy staff will be more open and amendable to change
A Leader infuses hope
A Manager advocates caution
A Leader works out a vision
A Manager implements it
A Leader works from the heart
A Manager works from the head
A Leader builds a team
A Manager makes the team work
A Leader will go out of his way to get all things done
A Manager will look after only his responsibility area
A Leader inspires
A Manager delivers
Education Management is a knowledge game in which understanding the state of the mind of the staff and students is very important. JRD Tata once said that people have to be led affectionately. You have to develop the culture, the hunger for excellence in the minds of your staff.
Madan Mohan Tripathy, Senior Manager Personnel in SAIL (Steel Authority of India) quotes Claus Moller, Founder and Chairman of “Time Manager International (TMI), Denmark who says “put staff first – then they will put customers (students) first”.
In politics, we use the word ‘NETA’ – Leader & ‘Nethaji”, (Top leader – with leadership qualities). ‘Neta’ – is most often a self assumed, a self-nominated leader who basks in the reflected glory of the High Commander. Even a gang, a set of goons has a leader.
In Defence services they have a Term “Officer like qualities”(OLQ). Does everyone passing out of NDS (National Defence Academy) or IM (Indian Military Academy) become an “Officer” like Sqn.,Ldr Sharma who sacrificed his life smashing his single pilot plane on to the radar on the Lahore Airport or Captain Mulla of INS Khukri who went down with the ship in the 1971 war? Or can a person like Lt Gen Kaul who, afraid of the Chinese invasion deserted his command and got himself admitted in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences be called an “Officer” – A ‘Leader’ or Major…………… who went back to the trench to save just one soldier at a height of 15000 feet in the Himalayas during the 1962 Indo- China war – he is a leader!
So leader and leadership are entirely different. Leadership has 5 aspects according to Prof. K. Seshadri of Venkateswara University, Tirupathi. (Indian Management – September 1998).
a) Value – nature of the purpose
Gandhiji’s goal of freedom and Lincoln’s zeal for the abolition of slavery.

b) Volume – the size
Florence nightingale service in the battle field.
c) Valence – The strength of intensity or depth of the purpose.
d) Vector – The direction of the purpose.
Asoka turned from the battle field to the Buddha.
e) Velocity – The speed with which the purpose is fulfilled.
Reform is slow.
Revolution is fast.
Prof. Seshadri observes:-
“ Leaders are terminal. But Leadership is external
Leaders are functional but Leadership is universal
Leaders are many but Leadership is one”.
The Duke of Wellington after winning the battle of Waterloo said, “ The presence of Napoleon on the battle field was worth 40000 soldiers”.

You will have to think about ‘Principal’ and ‘Principal ship”. Which hat do you wear?
You have to deal with five types of staff
- Ideal Followers – Capable of carrying out duties
- Yes People – Positive acceptance of ideas
- Antagonistic – Critical and independent in their thinking but passive in carrying out their role
- Blind Followers – Passive and totally uncritical. Sheep mentality
- Fence Sitters – Tanjore dolls- know how to survive with any Principal. Cautious and play safe.
You can enjoy your success only when you have achieved it against odds. Education Management without facing problems will become insipid and lifeless. It is worth recalling the poem by Richard Bach from “Illusions – The adventures of a reluctant messiah”
“There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.
You seek problems because you need their gifts”.
Difficult moments, difficult situations, testing times may come in your path. You may need to consult others as to the course of action to be taken. They may come with you or not but the final decision has to be yours and you are accountable for its impact, its efforts and its consequences. It is very lonely at the top, at such times recollect Rabindranath Tagore’s inspirational poem “Ekla Chalo Re”.
If they answer not to your call walk alone

Rabindranath Tagore
If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall
O thou unlucky one,
open your mind and speak out alone.
If they turn away, and desert you when crossing the wilderness,
O thou unlucky one,
trample the thorns under thy tread,
and along the blood-lined track travel alone.
If they shut doors and do not hold up the light when the night is troubled with storm,
O thou unlucky one,
with the thunder flame of pain ignite your own heart,
and let it burn alone.
Jiang Zemin who was the Chinese President (1993-2003) changed the whole Chinese population and its economy and took them to great heights. His name means “Benefit to the people”. You should be a “Jiang Zemin” to your staff and students.
In short ,Leadership is a simple complex fine art.
Perhaps after you leave, the educational fraternity should say:-
“Perhaps God made one of his kind,
And there after broke the mould
And threw it away”.
Rise to that level – one beyond the imagination and reach of all!
144) One who knows to be guided by the “INSPERIENCE” of others.
145) One who would have an anecdote to narrate, a student to recall, a photo to share the past, and a drop of tear to shed for a pupil or a teacher who helped him at a moment of despair.
146) One who knows that every day is like a match where every point he or she makes will be a turning point.
147) One who understands his pupils of what matters to them what moves them, what they care about and care for.
148) One who informs, educates, inspires, be useful and allow them to experience it.
149) One who first becomes his pupil’s voice and then make him become his voice and finally helping him to discover his voice.
150) One who
Knows more than others,
Works more than others,
Expects less than others,
Never asks or accepts anything at any time for himself from anyone.
151) One who combines
His Grandfather’s wisdom.
His Father’s maturity.
His Mother’s patience.
His in-laws sense of responsibility.
152) One who is “ANU BANDH” – connected closely to his staff and students.
153) One who makes his lie a vacation by creating what he cares for and loves.
154) One who always engages himself in a noble work, so that nothing shall distract him.
155) One who is
156) One whose face becomes a canvas etched with multiple emotions.
157) One who knows to solve problems by raising the level of thinking of the parties concerned to a higher level.
158) One who has the capacity to help the students transcend their own limitations, rise to the occasion, see with their hearts as well as their heads, the great response that is demanded of them. Getting rid of the illusions that prevented them from heeding the warnings that came their way.
159) One who knows that when he and his staff disagree there are 3 opinions :-
His, theirs and the right one and that both should join hands to find the right one.
160) One who knows that he can always be a growing Principal. But, not a grown up Principal, till he takes care of all around him.
161) One who knows that today errors get noticed immediately and they get magnified and that there is a microscope on all of us today irrespective of whether we are in the notice of the public or not.
162) One who knows that if he can’t say 5 minutes what he wants to say, it is not worth saying and that he must have an elevator pitch, the time the elevator takes to reach the 10th floor.
163) One who knows that in individual sport like Tennis, Boxing, Wrestling, Shuttle cork, Gymnastics, Weight lifting, Rifle shooting, Jumps, Sprints, Throws, it is between you and the other guy. Your support team in the stands can’t do anything.
That Roger Federer may have travelled with Coach, Trainer, Dietician, Doctor, even a Priest. But at the end of the day, in the final count he had to do all by himself.
And that this is the situation when he faces someone across his table.
164) One who knows that what influences him to perform his best is his
a. Desire
To work
To play the game
To be the best
b. Dedication
c. Discipline
d. Determination
e. Divine Grace
165) One who knows that when he wins he has to look at the next event and move on.
166) One who knows that how high he goes depends on his performance way above the rest and that he should be the tallest among all the principals.
167) One who knows that when he retires to bed he should be able to say that he had given his fullest that day.
168) One who knows that every challenge is an opportunity and that every pressure is privilege.
169) One who knows that trust is built by valuing everyone, displaying a dignified approach inactivates and honouring commitments.
170) One who believes that honesty should start form the 70A.
171) One who is people centric, builds a caring institution and treating all staff as members of a family.
172) One who knows that public speaking is more than just stringing words together and that he should develop the art and craft of directing effective speeches.
173) One who believes that creativity can be practiced in 2 ways,
a. To improve something and make it better
b. To look for problem to solve
174) One who knows that he has to generate ideas with an objective, that ideas can’t be generated unless there is problem to solve, that he has to fall in love with problems as they come and that problem solving must excite him.
(Whose ideas have been adapted for Education Management)

Usain Bolt
- Ramanathan (CEO Exide India)
- Dilip Shangis ( Chairman and MD, Sun Pharma)
- Konrad Adenaur (Secy. General. UN)
- Hon.Sastri
- Vinay (Founder – Maneesh Pharma)
- Kapur ( MD Yuchinai Restaurant )
- Sergio Marchonne (M.D –Fiat)
- Kanu Seth (Chairman – Great eastern shopping co)
- Srinivas V.Dempo (Chairman – Dempo industries)
- Bharat Kumar & Rajesh Kapadia (Biofor Industries)
- David Brooks (Newyork Times)
- Pratik kumar (Executive V.P (H.R) WIPRO)
- Kishore Biyani (Chairman – Future Group)
- Vaidyanathan (Executive Director ICICI)
- Catmull Bolt (Executive Director – Pixar)
- Usain Bolt
- Seshasayee (Former M.D. Ashok Leyland)
- Krishnamoorthy (Former Chairman of SAIL, BHEL, Maruti )
You can teach love to students only through love. – Sri Sathya Sai Baba