With the Divine Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Krishnashtami was celebrated in a Jubilant manner at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare, Chromepet. Senior students hosted the entire programme. The stage was stunning with the grand decoration of Lord Krishna. The event started with the auspicious ‘Go Puja’ performed by the staff and the students. Director Sri P.Kumarasamy welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest of the day Sri Rithesh Kumar Patnaik, alumnus, SSSIHL, Prasanthi Nilayam and SSSIE School Management Committee Member.
After a vibrant veda chanting, mellifluous offering of Krishnastakam and Madhurashtakam were presented at the Divine Lotus Feet of our dear Sai Krishna. The Mahila members of SSSIE family offered devotional songs and received appreciations from everyone. It was euphonious to listen to all those songs.
The pre-primary children presented a special fancy dress show. They dressed up as different Avatars of lord Krishna, Radha, Andal, Lord Hanuman and even many. It was magnificent and sweet to listen to their Slokas and songs. Our chief guest Sri. Rithesh Kumar Patnayak presided over the stage and greeted the LKG children with special gifts. The winners of class UKG, I, II in the Krishnastami games were awarded with prizes.
The chief guest addressed the gathering with his spiritual words and motivated the children to follow the Divine path of our beloved Sai Krishna. Vice Principal Smt. Veda Nayagi concluded the event proposing the vote of thanks. Once the stage programme was over, Swami’s Prasadam was distributed to the children.
The celebration was continued in outdoors. Correspondent Sri S. Loganathan hosted the outdoor games organized for the primary and the hostel children. Games such as breaking the pot with blindfolded eyes, lemon with spoon, zigzag running, bursting the balloon, hopscotch and many more were conducted in the day. Most importantly, the values learnt from each game was highlighted at the end of every game.
All the Sai Krishnas of SSSIE had fun and laughter for the entire day. The celebration ended up with Mangala Arathi offered to the Lord Sai Krishna dwelling at Sai Brindvan inside the campus. Sairam

Value games for Primary Kids

Krishna Fancy dress show

Krishna Fancy Dress show

Krishna Fancy dress show

Prize distribution

Value games for primary children & Uriyadi

Jai Sairam