Sairam. With the Divine Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the annual SSSIE Gratitute Day was celebrated with expression of love and emotions. The programme organized every year to express our gratitude to Bhagawan and all the staff and students went on very well with inspiring speeches and various cultural programmes. Class XI students organized the programme in an appreciable manner. Class-wise presentations were offered at the lotus feet of Swami in the form of skit and dance.
Director Sri P.Kumarasamy, Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan, Vice Principal Smt. Vedha Nayagi, Co-ordinator C.Manikandan and senior staff addressed the students to realize the immense blessings showered on all of them by Swami by the way of choosing them to study at His Divine Lotus Feet. All the class XII students were interviewed to share about their happy moments and lessons learnt at SSSIE. They presented framed mementoes of their drawings and photo works to the school management, gents staff, mahilas staff respectively to express their love and gratitute. The programme ended with Mangala Arathi and Prasadam distribution.

Compering by Master Asuthosh, XI

Welcoming the Class XII students

Lighting the lamp of love by Vice Principal Smt. Vedha Nayagi

Address by Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan

Interviewing Class XII students

Class XII students presenting a memento to the school

Class XII students presenting a memento the staff

Class-wise presentation
Jai Sairam