With the Divine Blessings of our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, SSSIE has been organizing a 3 days Summer Course in Indian Culture and Spirituality every year during the school reopen. As usual, the summer course of this academic year witnessed inspiring Sathsangs by eminent speakers and various creative and value-based activities aimed at inculcation of the glorious Bharatheeya culture and spirituality in the tender hearts.
Summer Course – Day 1 (5/6/2023)
On day 1, the course began with hoisting of the Prasanthi Flag by the Chief guest for the morning session Sri Ganapathi, State Spiritual Co-ordinator, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization, Tamil Nadu. The entire day’s proceedings were compered in the form of a dialogue conversation between the Honourable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi, Lord Sri Krishna and Lord Sri Rama. The chief guest and other dignitaries lit the lamp of love. It was followed by invoking the Divine Blessings of Bhagawan through Veda chanting.
Director Sri P.Kumarasamy welcomed the chief guest and the gathering. Sri Ganapathi, in his inspiring address, stressed that each and every citizen of this holy land of Bharath should feel proud of their eternal heritage and discoveries in the field of Aircraft, Medicine etc. which were found thousands of years ago by our ancient rishis and sages. We are made to blindly follow the western culture and discoveries and feel cheap about our scientific spiritual practices by the foreigners. Let us wake up from this foolishness and understand the reality. He explained about the mind-blowing skills involved in the construction of the Tanjore Lord Sri Brihadeeshwara temple, long before the invention of the machines used in the construction works. He hailed the school for arranging such courses so that the students would come to know about the glory of the Bharatheeya culture. Senior Principal Smt. Savithri Chandrasekaran proposed the vote of thanks.
It was followed by an informative talk by Brother Shrikanth, alumnus, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Chief Financial Officer, Fivestar Business Finance Ltd., Chennai on the topic ‘Significance of Ramayana and Mahabharata’. Giving insights into various contradictory incidents of Ramayana and Mahabharatha, he arrived to the point that ‘Bhakthi’ is the foremost value brought to the generations by both these epics. He stressed that the modern day allegations about Lord Sri Rama killing Vali or Sri Krishna making the Kouravas get defeated in the Kurkshetra war using His Rajathantra, were all false. Both the Avatars followed Dharma to the core in executing every activity. The session was made interactive through various inquisitive questions raised by the speaker and answered by the students. Vice Principal Smt. Vedha Nayagi proposed the vote of thanks.
In the afternoon, Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan announced the selected names as captains, vice-captions and teacher in-charges for the 4 houses, viz., Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Prema was done. The aspirations and goals of every house were informed by the individual house members. He also introduced each and every teaching and non-teaching staff to all the fresher students
It was followed by joyful value games conducted for all the students. The session concluded with Shanti Mantra.

Hoisting the Prasanthi Flag by Sri Ganapathi, State Spiritual Co-ordinator, SSSSO, TN

Dignitaries during the inaugural function 1) Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan 2) Director Sri P.Kumarasamy 3) Chief Guest Sri S.Ganapathi 4) Mrs. Ganapathi

Address by Sri Ganapthi, State Spiritual Co-ordinator, SSSSO, TN

Students dressed as Lord Rama and Lord Krishna

Address by Brother Shrikanth, Alumnus, SSSIHL
Summer Course – Day 2 (6/6/2023)
The guest speaker for the morning session was Prof. Gangadhara Sastry, Honorary Faculty, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam. He explained about the meaning and the significance of the Sai system of Gurukula Education. Sri V.Thyagarajan, PGT delivered the welcome address. Staring with the explanation of the word ‘Guru’, Prof. Gangadhara Sastry educated the students about Para Vidya – Spiritual Education and Apara Vidya – Secular Education. It is the unique features of Sai educational institutions that both these types of education become like 2 wings for the students to fly high in their life. He stressed that it was the spiritual awakening which was the main focus in the Gurukula Education. He explained about the love and care showered on the hostel students by the hostel staff at Parthi and advised the teachers to take care of all the students quoting Swami’s assurance, ‘If you take care of my children, I will take care of your children’. Vice Principal Smt. Vedha Nayagi proposed the vote of thanks.
After an inspring Sathsang, a panel discussion on the topic ‘Sweet home away from home’ was conducted highlighting the fruits of the hostel life at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare. Smt. Sai Bhavana Pravalika, TGT acted as the moderator. The panel members shared their memorable experiences and the values learnt through their hostel stay.
Then, Mrs. M.Maheswari anchored the session for picking up the characters for the house-wise role play presentation to be performed the next day.
It was followed by a mind-refreshing ‘Patti Mandram’ (Debate) on the topic ‘Which is important for the development of the students, Guru or Google? Smt. Meera. T.S, PGT acted as the moderator. Out of 6 senior students participated in the event, 3 of them stressed upon the need of Google for the development of the students and the other 3 students elaborated on the point that it was Guru who was essential for the development of the students. After listening to the points put forth by both the team members, the moderator gave the result that it was Guru who was really important for the students than the Google and stated that a Guru could replace the Google, but the Google could not replace the Guru.
Post lunch, students listened to a hilarious and thought-provoking speech by Sri Musee Pugazhendhi on the topic ‘Students of the 21st century‘. The session was interactive and humourous that the students enjoyed every bit of the session. Starting with the question what was making the students happy, the speaker brought out various practical points about all the things that made them happy. He advised the students to come out of the things that made them feel disturbed. He illustrated the circle of zones such as comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone, sharing zone etc. and appreciated the students for having come out of their comfort zone at home and joined the hostel to reach the other successive zones in their life. Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan felicitated the speaker with a token of Love. Vice Principal Smt. Vedha Nayagi proposed the vote of thanks.
After the speech, an interesting and informative quiz contest was conducted on the topic ‘Bharatheeya Sanskrithi’ The contest comprised of 5 rounds, made the students ponder about the glory of Bharatheeya culture and Spirituality. The afternoon session concluded with Shanti Mantra.
In the evening, after the Bhajans, students listened to an exhilarating Carnatic vocal concert by Sangeetha Rathna Dr. Sai Saraswathi, Lecturer, Tamil Nadu Govt. Music College, Chennai. She was accompanied on the Mridangam by Sri Madhava Sai and then on the Violin by Sri Mukundan. The concert comprised of mesmerizing Carnatic pieces and soulful Sai Bhajans with Swara Kalpana rendering in between, made the assembly filled with the Divine Vibrations of Music. The group was felicitated by Director Sri P.Kumarasamy. The programmed ended with Mangala Arathi.

Address by Prof. Gangadhar Sastry, Honorary Faculty, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

Sweet home away from home – Panel Discussion

Patti Mandram – Debate – Guru or Google?

Address by Dr. Musee Pugazhendhi, Motivational Speaker

Quiz on Indian culture & spirituality

Carnatic vocal concert by Dr. Sai Saraswathi and Party

Group pose with the Carnatic Music Party headed by Thoppur Sri Sairam
Summer Course – Day 3 (7/6/2023)
The morning session began with a mellifluous Bhajan offering at the lotus feet of Bhagawan by the assembly team. It was followed by a fun-filled and exciting Magic show by Mrs. Rani, Chennai. The show filled with thrillful demonstrations using students and staff, captured the minds of the all and made them awestruck.
After a short break, students were fortunate to listen to Dr.K.Sankarasubramanian, alumnus and faculty (Retd.), Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam on the topic ‘Ideal Sai Students’. Smt. Savithri Chandrasekaran gave the welcome address. Explaining about the increasing levels of adharmic activities from Kritha Yuga to Kali Yuga, the Speaker made all the students to realize that it is Dharma or the Right Conduct which differentiates one as an ideal Sai student. Merely by joining a Sai institution, one does not become a Sai student. To become a real and ideal Sai student, one need to follow His words to the core. A Sai student has the Trikarna Suddhi -unity of thought, word and deed. He is part of the Sai Army that is getting created to transform the whole world by being exemplary in following the human values and ceiling on desires. Smt. Poongothai, Primary Headmistress proposed the Vote of thanks.
In the afternoon, house-wise role play contest was held. The Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Prema houses presented inspiring role-plays on different value-based themes. Sathya house members were awarded as the best house in the event.
Honourable Justice Sri Vaiyapuri Periyakaruppiah, Judge(Retd.), Madras High Court, was the chief guest for the valedictory function. Director Sri P.Kumarasamy welcomed the guest and the gathering. During his valedictory address, stressing on the importance of discipline and character in a person’s life, the speaker quoted the saying of Swami, ‘If character is lost, everything is lost!’. He stated, ‘It is the need of the hour in the country today that the students of the institute must come up in life to high positions and lead the society in the right path’. He advised the students never forget their school teachers who taught them all the numbers and the alphabets. Sharing his miraculous experiences with Bhagawan on how Swami saves his life, the speaker educated the students to have strong faith on Bhagawan and never give up in life.
Students who participated and won in various events during the summer course were felicitated by the speaker. Senior Principal Smt. Savithri Chandrasekaran proposed the vote of thanks. Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan felicitated the guest with a memento of love. At the conclusion of the 3 days summer course in Indian culture and spirituality, all the students held a candle lit and took up the ‘Summer Course Oath’ and pledged to Bhagawan that they would live their life as ideal Sai students. The programme ended with Mangala Arathi.
In the evening, ‘Freshers Day programme’ was held for the students who joined the SSSIE hostel newly. The interactive ice-breaker sessions made all the fresher students feel SSSIE as their sweet home away from home. Their special skills were exhibited during the event which received applauses from everyone. All were advised to live their life in the hostel as pleasing and dear to Bhagawan.

Magic Show by Magician Sister Rani

Magic Show by Magician Sister Rani

Ideal Sai Student – Sathsang by Dr. K.Subramanian, Alumnus and Faculty(Retd.), Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

Dignitaries on the dais during the valedictory function

Address by Chief Guest Sri Sri Vaiyapuri Periyakaruppiah, Judge(Retd.), Madras High Court

Felicitating the winners of the summer course contests

Role play contest glimpse

Students taking summer course oath with a candle lit on their hands
Jai Sairam