Sairam. On day 9, Self-Realisation was the Sadhana for the day. Students were enlightened to choose their desired path and set the goal to realize their indweller and attain Self-realisation. Being Saraswathi Puja day, students cleaned and decorated their rooms. The whole SSSIE campus was kept neat and tidy for worship. Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan accompanied by staff and students, performed Ayutha Puja for all the rooms, department cabins, gadgets, music instruments, vehicles etc. He appreciated the dedicated service of the hostel staff to maintain everything as per the expectations of Bhagawan in the campus. In the evening, as a part of Navaratri Vaibhavam, the students of Sri Sathya Sai Nrithya Vahini presented a soul-stirring Bharatha Natyam performance at the Divine Lotus Feet of Bhagawan. The perfectly synchronised steps to the tunes of vibrant classical songs enchanted the audience. Their Guru Sri Ashwin Siddharth narrated how Bhagawan made a turning point in his life by guiding him from his heart to choose Bharatha Natyam as his career. He also described about his sweet experience of his first-ever performance in the Divine presence at Prasanti Nialayam along with the dance students of SSSIE. Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan appreciated the performers for their skilled presentation and thanked their Master for the grand organization of the event. The SSSIE dance teacher Ms. Anusha who also performed during the event was given a special appreciation. The programme concluded with Mangala Arathi and Prasadam distribution. Sairam.

Ayutha Puja Glimpses

Navaratri Vaibhavam – Bharathanatyam concert by the students of Sri Sathya Sai Nrithya Vahini
Jai Sairam