Sairam. With the Divine Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the divine festival of Navaratri is being celebrated at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare, Chromepet grandly between 3rd and 12th Oct 2024 on the theme ‘Kriya Shakti; Iccha Shakti; Jnana Shakti – the triune Shaktis immanent in all’. The assembly hall was enriched with divine vibrations due to the wonderful Golu Display.
On the first day dedicated to ‘Kriya Shakti’ on 3rd Oct 2024, ‘SATH CHINTHANA (Positive thinking)’ was the Sadhana allotted for the day. The session began with an inspiring Navaratri Pravachan by Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan. He started his talk by showing a pot story video clip on positive thinking and advised everyone to convert all negative feelings into positive ones to lead a purposeful life. He shared his personal experiences to demonstrate how positive thinking helped him to overcome all the obstacles he faced. His rising from the status of a Volleyball ball picker to the level of the captain of the state volleyball team mesmerized everyone. He shared the personal incidents that showed how the almighty made him marry Mrs. K.Saimeera – a woman of values and leadership. He also shared how he overcame the demise of her with only positive thinking. “If you are positive, positive people will be there around you, if you are negative, you will be surrounded by only such. Follow your conscience. Do only good things. Help the people who are suffering even without any request from them. Follow the Divine Message of Lord Sai – ‘Love all serve all; Help ever hurt never’, then we will get success in all our noble endeavours.” said Sri S.Loganathan.
It was followed by an enlivening talk by Brother Sai Vignesh, class XII who highlighted the dictum ‘ Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavathi’ and shared the story of a Guru, disciples, and a tree to stress the need for positivity in our vision. He narrated the incident of Lord Krishna instructing Duryodhana and Yudhisthira for a visit to a village and then bringing out the difference between the negative observation by Duryodhana and the positive observation by Yudhisthira of the people of the village. He concluded his talk by quoting the Divine message of Bhagawan that there is no fault in the creation of God. But there is fault only in man’s vision.
The Pravachan was followed by an elegant dance performance by girl children of classes VI and VII as a part of Navaratri Chaturya. The morning session concluded with Prize distribution and Mangala Arathi.
In the evening, SSSIE Flute Master Jayakumar and his students rendered a melliflous flute recital on the popular devotional and value-based songs

Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan addressing the students as a part of Navaratri Pravchan

Master Sai Vignesh, Class XII addressing the students as a part of Navaratri Pravchan

Dance offering by class VI girl children

Dance offering by class VII girl children

Flute recital by Master Jayakumar

Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan felicitating Master Jayakumar