Sairam. On the 7th day of the Navaratri Celebrations on the theme ‘Kriya Shakti; Iccha Shakti; Gnana Shakti; -the triune Shaktis inside’, as a part of the topic ‘Gnana Shakti’, ‘Vedoddharana day’ was observed as the Sadhana for the day. During Navaratri Pravachan in the assembly, Mrs. Vani Jagannathan, PGT(Economics) delivered an insightful talk on the history and the significance of the Vedas. Quoting Swami’s Divine Message that Vedas are the foundation for our life, she explained that we can attain spiritual upliftment and finally self-realization through Veda chanting. As per Swami’s guidelines, even if we do not know the meaning of the Vedas if we chant it with devotion, it is enough to reap the benefits of the chanting. The Pravachan was continued by Brother Karun of class X who highlighted that Vedoddharana and Veda Samrakshana as the Avataric missions of Lord Sai. He explained that Swami had taught us the essence of the Vedas by making us follow ‘Love all serve all; Help ever, hurt never’ in our daily life. The principal in charge, Ms.Vedhanayagi, felicitated the performers with a token of love.
During Navaratri Sangeetham in the evening, Sri Jayakumar and students, Samarpanam music school presented a mellifluous veena and vocal program. The popular Tamil and Telugu Carnatic pieces presented by the artists gave a divinely experience to the audience. All were felicitated by Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan. The program concluded with Shanti Mantra

Navaratri Pravachan by Mrs. Vidya Jagannathan, PGT on Vedoddharana Day

Navaratri Pravachan by Master Karun, Class X on Vedoddharana Day

Navaratri Chaturya by primary children

Veena concert by Master Jayakumar and students

Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan felicitating Master Jayakumar