Sairam. With the Divine Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the students and the staff of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare, Chromepet were blessed to participate in the Navaratri celebrations from 3rd Oct 2024 on the theme ‘Kriya Shakti; Iccha Shakti; Gnana Shakti – the triune Shaktis immanent in all’.
On the holy occasion of Vijaya Dasami, the 46th birthday of SSSIE was celebrated grandly with a special Homam conducted in the morning. It was 46 years ago, on the Vijaya Dasami day in the year 1978, SSSIE was born by the Divine Sankalpa of Bhagawan.
Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan expressed his gratitude to Bhagawan for all His Divine guidance and abundant Blessings throughout the growth of the institution. He thanked all the middle management staff, teaching, and non-teaching staff for their unconditional support in all the endeavors towards reaching excellence.
The new Junior Computer Lab cum e-Library and the new Maths Lab were inaugurated adding to the list of excellent infrastructure provided to the students aiding their overall personality development.

Ganesh Homam Performed by Students and Staff

Ganesh Homam

Poornahuti Carried Out by Our Correspondent Sir

Teachers and Staff Doing Pradakshina Around the Homam

AayaMmas Felicitated by Our Correspondent Sir

AayaMmas Felicitated by Our Correspondent Sir

The New Junior Computer Lab cum e-Library Inaugurated by Our Correspondent Sir

The New Maths Lab Was Inaugurated