Loving Sairam. With the Divine Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the 188th Birthday celebration of Lord Sri Shirdi Saibaba was organized in a grand manner on 27th Sep 2023 at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare, Chromepet. Prior to the birthday celebration, a theme was fixed for each day as ‘Shraddha Day’, ‘Saburi Day’, ‘Advaitha Day’ and ‘Sarva Vyapi Sai day’. Teachers presented inspiring talks in the assembly on the day’s theme, narrating mind-blowing incidents from the life of Lord Sri Shirdi Sai.
On the final day of the celebration, Sri Sai Nivas, the Shirdi Sai Mandir at SSSIE was given a special decoration with festoons, lights and flower garlands. At first, Veda chanting and Sri Shirdi Sai Ashtothra Namavali Parayanam were performed. It was followed by a reverberant Shidi Sai Bhajans session. Director Sri P.Kumarasamy addressed the students highlighting the Mahavakhyas of Baba – ‘Shraddha – Saburi’ and advised the students to have complete Saranagathi at the lotus feet of Bhagawan. A senior student narrated the incidents of lamps lit with water and Daskanu Manharaj witnessing holy reivers springing out from Sai’s Lotus feet, highlighting the omnipotence of Lord Sai. Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan advised the students to take up any one message of Lord Sai as the birthday resolution and follow it up daily to please Bhagawan. In the end Kakad Arathi was performed for Lord Shirdi Sai, followed by Mangala Arathi. With Prasadam distribution, the programme came to a conclusion.

Decorated Sri Sai Nivas

Students and staff witnessing the celebrations

Students offering Shirdi Sai devotional songs

Kakad Arathi to Sri Shiridi Sai offered by the students

Kakad Arathi to Sri Shiridi Sai offered by the students

Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan offering Mangala Arathi to Baba
Jai Sairam