Ours is a CBSE school with classes from LKG to XII.
LKG to V (Co-education, day scholar system).
VI to XII (Only for Boys. residential).
There is only one section per class and not more than thirty students are admitted in a class.
The School follows open admission policy. Admission is given purely on the basis of merit, performance in the entrance test and the level of interest of the parent and the student in Value-based education.
Application for class LKG is issued only in the school office against payment of Rs.500.
For classes V to IX and XI (only for boys in residential mode), parents can apply online against online transaction of Rs. 500 + 15 Transaction charges. Printed form for the same classes can be obtained from the school office.
Those students who have secured a minimum of 50% marks in the qualifying exams of the two previous classes only need apply. Attested copies of the two year rank card / grade card of the student from the school where he completed the previous class is to be produced at the time of interview.
The selection shall be made on the basis of the student’s performance in the written test and the interview. If the student’s name appears in the selection list, then the admission can be got reserved by remitting the required fees. Detailed guidelines and instructions shall be sent to the students thereon.
The Institute offers education free of tuition fees. At the beginning of the academic year, a specified charge is collected towards miscellaneous items, excursion and the supply of books, notebooks, maintenance and other items. The uniform has to be arranged by the parents themselves.