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The Institute was started in 1978 with the divine blessings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who is its life, soul, inspiration and goal. With Bhagavan’s divine guidance, the Institute has established itself firmly in offering a high quality, value-based, integral, free education striving to realize the sublime supreme purpose of Educare.
Long research in the field of value-based integral education has been undertaken in building this Institute. The various programmes offered at the Institute are adopted from Bhagavan’s educational institutions. Thus, the Institute is committed to produce a band of students who are physically strong, mentally balanced, morally upright, academically excellent and spiritually enlightened with multi-faceted skills. They shall prove to be worthy of their noble heritage; practise the values of Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema and Ahimsa in thought, word and deed and dedicate their lives for social welfare.
Above all, the divine, guiding love of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba fills the Institute leading it successfully towards achieving a glorious purpose in His divine mission.
The Institute is housed at Nemilichery, a village located about three kilometres from the Chennai – Chromepet Railway station. The total area of the Institute is 1.3 acres. The Institute has a fully furnished three-storey building with spacious and well-lit classrooms. A beautiful temple for Sri Vidya Ganesh, a large prayer hall, a playground and good laboratory facilities constitute a serene, pleasant and potential learning atmosphere. The Institute offers education under the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) pattern of education.
Motto of Students
“I am created in the image of God. My life is a journey towards realizing my innate divinity. I am proud that this culture has given me a royal road to reach God. I shall practice unity of thought, word and deed so that Unity leads to Purity and Purity leads to Divinity. I shall Love all and Serve all to see God in everyone. I shall strive for the blossoming of my complete personality so that I shall become a worthy instrument in God’s hands. Realising that God is my only and true support; I surrender to Him and hold His hands so that he leads me in the journey of my life”.
Salient Features
• Love, sharing and caring are the keynotes of the relationships in the Institute. Therefore, the Institute is a home where each one lives for the other and all live for God.
• The Institute offers co-education up to Class V. From Class VI to Class XII, admissions are reserved only for male students.
• There is only one section per class and a maximum of 30 students are admitted to each class.
• The Institute offers education under the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) education pattern.
• No fee is collected from students for educational instruction.
• The Institute provides a residential hostel for male students. The Hostel is a place for character moulding, integral education and overall personality development.
• All students undergo free medical check-up and vaccination.
• All religious and national festivals are celebrated in the Institute. These are occasions when students learn the noble message of their culture. In organising such festivals, students also give vent to their hidden and latent talents.
Academic Aspects
• Spacious and fully furnished class rooms.
• Advanced audio-visual equipment.
• Computer education right from Class I.
• Well-equipped science laboratories to aid an illustrative learning and a practical understanding of the subjects.
• Maths Lab for the easy understanding of mathematics.
• Junior Science lab for the benefit of the students’ right from the lower classes.
Advanced teaching aids and methods are employed to make the process of learning an easy and interesting process. One period per week is also set apart for developing conversational and comprehension language skills using audio-visual aids.
Integral Education aspects of the Institute
• Yoga, silent sitting, jyothi meditation, sports and games.
• Balvikas, value-education classes and classes in Indian culture and spirituality.
• Classes for learning Vedic chanting, stotrams and slokas.
• Personality development classes, dance, music, dramatics, stage talking, arts and crafts.
• Field trips and excursions are arranged to places of educational, academic and spiritual significance.
• Various festivals of spiritual and national importance are celebrated in the Institute to inspire students with devotion and patriotism and as a way to bring out their latent talents.
• Service activities.
Yoga, Meditation, Sports and Games at the Institute
Sports and games are organised for residential students of the Institute in the evening. Based on individual interests of students, teams are organised and given special coaching in various games.
Special sessions are arranged for teaching yoga. Mass meditation is practised during prayer sessions and students are instructed regarding the importance of meditation and silent sitting.
Balvikas Programme
Balvikas for children offered by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation is made a part of the Institute curriculum. Weekly Balvikas classes are conducted for all classes. Residential Balavikas syllabus is being followed. Class I to III are under group I, Classes IV to VI are under group II and classes VIII to IX are under group III. Eligible students of class X will appear for the group III examination in August and class VII for Group II. Thus the students have the advantage of receiving the ‘Diploma in Sathya Sai Education’ certificate.
Value based Integral Education
Human values are integrated in the teaching of all subjects. The lesson plan of the teachers are value based. The thought for the week is written in the main display board and all the classroom boards. Teachers and the students discuss about it in the assembly and class rooms. Role play in the assembly is based on this thought.
One period per week is allotted for value education classes. The syllabi for value-education consists of stories from the lives of great men, analysis of the nature and the methods of practising human values, solutions for value-crisis situations, value-games and project work. The books prescribed for value education are “Towards Human Excellence – Sri Sathya Sai Education for School”, “Spritual science & Value games”, Chinnakatha, Ramayana and other spiritual CD.
Spiritual diary is maintained by students of all classes through which spiritual, academic and co-curricular progress of the students is continuously observed. It is evaluated daily both by the class teacher and the parents. Students of higher classes maintain a self analytical spiritual diary, which will be periodically checked by the class teacher.
All the class teachers maintain a case study register, in which the personality of the student in all aspects is continuously observed and recorded.
Co-curricular activities are conducted weekly. Every week various competitions like veda chatting, solo songs, group songs, elocution, skit, mono acting, mimicry, multi skills, drawing, painting, crafts, dance and sports are conducted to bring out the talents of the students.
The students and the staffs are divided in to four houses namely – Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi and Prema. Overall cleanliness of the school campus, discipline, display board maintenance and organization of co-curricular activities are carried by these house members in rotation.
Carnatic vocal, Veena, Mridangam, Flute, Bharathanatyam, Keyboard, Drums, Karate, Yoga, Volley ball, Silambam, Gymnastics, Archery, Carom classes are conducted.
In the morning assembly, students are taught Vedas, devotional and patriotic songs and stotrams. Universal prayer is sung daily. Each week, one class is allotted to conduct and lead the assembly activities. The stotrams, vedas and songs are compiled in a book titled “Atma Nivedan”.
Every evening the school ends with Jyothi meditation, Mangala arathi and prayer for the welfare of the all.
Every year Grama Seva is organized by the school where by food packets are distributed to the poor and needy. Games are conducted for the village school students and prizes are distributed for them. During Deepavali holidays, students practise “Ceiling on Desires” by not busting crackers and the money thus saved used for this purpose.
Eminent speakers and senior balvikas gurus are invited on Saturdays to impart value education to the children.
Every year children are given an opportunity to bring out their talents through CCA and CCE activities. Students are also sent for CBSE Regional level Science Exhibition.
Seminar on Human Values
A seminar on HUMAN VALUES is organized every year in the school. Many schools are invited for participating in the seminar. A team of students from each school present their paper before the audience with power point. A rolling shield is awarded to the team adjusted the best.
Annual Sports and Cultural meet
Every year all students are given the chance of participating in the sports and cultural meet and exhibiting their talents. The annual fuction is the grand success, every year because of the grace of Bhagavan and the cooperative effects of the students and the staff.
Classes for Vedic Chanting, Stotrams and Slokas
During prayer sessions in the morning, twenty minutes are allotted everyday for teaching Vedic hymns, slokas, stotrams and group songs. During festivals, public functions and special occasions, mass recitation is organised. Competitions are conducted to encourage a clear and deep learning of these hymns and songs.
Personality development classes
Every year, special sessions on personality development, communication skills and career guidance are conducted by experts in the field.
Dance, Music, Arts and Crafts
Separate periods are allotted for dance, music, arts and crafts. Classical dance and classical music are taught to students by experts. Students perform group dances and folk arts during the celebration of various festivals. Drawing, painting and crafts are taught to students during specially allotted periods.
Service Activities
On a regular basis, students participate in service camps organised by the Institute and by Sri Sathya Sai Organisations in villages adopted for social service. Students are formed into several groups and they are given specific duties inside the Institute campus like cleaning, maintenance of discipline, arranging for celebrations and meetings and several other activities. They are constantly encouraged to assist their teachers in classroom activities and maintaining the neat and beautiful atmosphere in the class rooms.
The Institute offers education under the C.B.S.E, (Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi) pattern. The aspects of integral education and value-education are made a part of the Institute syllabi. With respect to languages, apart from English, the students have to study Tamil / Hindi as the second language and Sanskrit as the third language.
Institute timings
• Lower KG: 08.30 am to 12.00 pm
• Upper KG to Class II: 08.30 am to 03.05 pm
• Class III and above: 08.30 am to 03.40 pm
• Lunch: 12.15 pm to 12.55 pm
Primary Section: Navy blue short, sky blue shirt, school belt and slippers for boys. Pink pinaform, White shirt, school belt, white ribbon and slippers for girls. Belt will be supplied by the Institute. White dress on Thursdays.
Higher class Section: White pant and white shirt (full sleeves) on Thursdays. Navy blue pant, sky blue shirts (full sleeves) on all other days. Black shoes and dark blue socks on Saturdays. Slippers on all other days.
• The minimum attendance for promotion is 85%.
• Students should submit proper leave letter to their respective class teachers in advance.
• Leave of all kinds must be entered by the parents in the space allotted in this diary.
• On normal conditions, no student can be absent during the examinations. On no account, re-examination of the candidate is possible.
• If a student is absent for more than three days due to illness, the matter should be duly informed to the Principal along with the necessary medical certificate. Otherwise, the name of the student shall be struck off the rolls.
Disciplinary Rules
Punctuality, regularity and orderliness in every regard is a must for all the students. Late coming is never encouraged by the Institute and is viewed with great seriousness. For special and unavoidable conditions, prior permission of the Principal must be sought. Wearing uniform and maintaining a neat and smart appearance is highly essential inside the Institute campus. Students should clip their nails regularly and should practice clean habits inside the campus. Boy students should maintain a short and trim hair.
• Getting the Student handbook daily to the Institute is compulsory for the students.
• No student should leave the Institute premises during the Institute hours without the permission of the Principal.
• Disciplined movements and obedience to teachers is a must and silence should be maintained during class hours and Prayer.
• Throwing bits of paper, scribbling on walls and desks is strictly prohibited.
• They should not cause any damage to the property of the Institute failing which fine will be levied towards the same.
• Students are personally responsible for their belongings.
• Participation in all the extra-curricular activities is absolutely necessary for the students.
• Attendance during all the festivals and events organized by the Institute is a must and absence shall invite strict action by the management.
• Irregular attendance, neglect of home assignments, copying during examinations, habitual idleness, bad behaviour, disrespect towards staff and teachers, indiscipline, any misbehaviour inside and outside the Institute and any sort of disobedience justify dismissal.
To Parents
• The Institute gives utmost importance for value-education, character development and overall personality development. Link your aspirations regarding the growth of your child with the objectives of the Institute and help us to make your child a balanced and responsible individual with towering character and abilities.
• You are very important for the progress of your child. Your cooperation is a must for moulding your child.
• At no point discourage the child even a small. Find out the positive improvement in your child and appreciate it. By this, you encourage his / her growth.
• Guide the child in all possible regards for achieving the desired standards.
• Check the handbook of the child and spiritual diary daily and use it constructively in the growth of your child. Update any changes in the address, phone number, etc…
• After the completion of every exam, don’t fail to attend the parents – teachers meeting to discuss about the progress of your child.
• Try your best to attend all the events and functions organized by the Institute.
• Make timely remittance of Hostel fees and help the Institute.
• Don’t give money and valuables to your children to the Institute.
The Institute and Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Baba is the life and Soul, inspiration and goal of the Institute. The one and only motto of the Institute is to dedicate its humble services to play a small role in reaching out a band of blessed students with the Sai system of education.
The underlying current for every small activity in the Institute is to please the divine master and fulfil a small role in His grand divine mission. All the programmes and the teaching methodologies forming a part of the Institute are implemented after a deep and practical study of Bhagavan’s philosophy and the educational institutions established by Bhagavan Himself.
The Institute devotes a major part of its efforts in conducting a deep research in the field of value-based integral education and the concept of ‘Educare’ so as to reach out the society with the ideals of the Sai system of education.
In this noble endeavour, Bhagavan is constantly with the Institute filling the entire atmosphere with His loving divine presence and leading the Institute successfully towards a glorious future by guiding and guarding every step that it could take.